Advanced Science News Research Highlight: "Thermal-Transport Biosensor Distinguishes Different Types of Cancer"

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"Scientists from KAUST in Saudi Arabia succeeded in differentiating between two different types of cancer (cervical and breast cancers), and also between subtypes of the same cancer (basal and luminal cancer cells) by measuring their thermal-transport properties."


"Scientists from KAUST in Saudi Arabia succeeded in differentiating between two different types of cancer (cervical and breast cancers), and also between subtypes of the same cancer (basal and luminal cancer cells) by measuring their thermal-transport properties."

"This novel thermal conductivity and diffusivity measuring technique opens up many opportunities in numerous biomedical applications, such as high-precision single-cancerous-cell targeting, thermal imaging techniques, detection of cancer types, and assessing cellular health and viability."

Read more in Advanced Science News

Nanomembrane-Based, Thermal-Transport Biosensor for Living Cells

Rami T. ElAfandy, Ayman F. AbuElela, Pawan Mishra, Bilal Janjua, Hassan M. Oubei, Ulrich Büttner, Mohammed A. Majid, Tien Khee Ng, Jasmeen S. Merzaban, and Boon S. Ooi
Small, 13(7), 1603080 (2017)

DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603080

HDL: 10754/622092