Gregor Sauer
Gregor Sauer was a Visiting student from Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany at Professor Boon Ooi's Photonics Laboratory at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Research Interests
Gregor's research interests included nonlinear, liquid core and photonic crystal fiber optics applications.
Selected Publications
- Bachelor Thesis: Characterization of linear and nonlinear optical properties of an anti-resonant hollow-core fiber (2015).
- Resonance-enhanced multi-octave supercontinuum generation in antiresonant hollow-core fibers (LSA 2017).
Professional Memberships
- German Physical Society (DPG).
- Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Master Student at Fiber Sensors Research Group.
Awards and Distinctions
- Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation.
- Scholarship holder of the Thuringia Scholarship.
- 3rd prize on a national level of Jugend forscht, German Youth Research Competition (2012).
- Award of the German Physical Society for outstanding accomplishments in Physics (2010).
- 2nd prize on a national level of Jugend forscht, German Youth Research Competition (2010).