Hongsen He
Hongsen He is a Master Student of Xiamen University, China. His main research area is solid-state lasers, including Ince-Gaussian beam, high power laser, vector and vortex beam. He joined the Photonics Laboratory in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), as a visiting student. He received the B.S. degree in Northwestern Polytechnic University, China in 2015.
Research Interests
Hongsen's research interests included Underwater Optical Communications and Nanowire materials.
Education Profile
- M. S. Student in Optics Engineering, XMU, Xiamen, China (September 2015 - June 2018).
- B. S. in Optical Information Science and Technology, NWPU, Xi'an, China (September 2011 - June 2015).
Awards and Distinctions
- October 2017, China National Scholarship in XMU.